World War 3 Update: The Gold Standard is a Trap

You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.

William Jennings Bryan, 1896 Democratic National Convention

Only rich men own gold, including heads of state and central banks. It is the money of the elite. They use gold to control the world.

The family of the Rothschild’s gained hegemony over gold in the 19th Century, especially after the Battle of Waterloo. In the 1970s, the Rockefeller’s rebelled against Rothschild hegemony with the petro-dollar. That rebellion centered in the United States and was propelled by American industrial and military might. That rebellion is coming to an end.

America’s constitutional republic was founded upon the silver standard. Silver is the money of the people. It has also been the money of commerce since biblical times. In fact, the Hebrew word in the Old Testament for “money” (kesef) is actually the word silver.

Before the Rothschild’s, the Vatican held gold hegemony by its alliance with Spain, which had plundered the Amerindian empires of their gold. When the Dutch rebelled against Spain in the early years of the Protestant Reformation, the coin of resistance was the silver stiver, the smallest monetary unit of the Netherlands. Generally held in contempt by the European elite – “not worth a stiver” – it, nevertheless, was the coin of commerce and industry that made Dutch independence possible.

Gold enthusiasts will tell us that the Constitution established a bi-metallic standard for the value of money: gold and silver. That myth was the fraud perpetuated by the rich elite to gain control over the American economy. It was perpetuated by the English Free-Trade Society of the late 19th Century, and continued by the general ignorance of subsequent Constitutionalists, Libertarians, and even Ron Paul Tea Partiers of today. That ignorance has caused much disruption in the American civil body politic.

Yes, gold is a form of money in the Constitution, perhaps the form of greater intrinsic value. Because of its greater intrinsic value, it is the better “store of wealth.” It is better left in vaults to settle international payments than to circulate in daily commerce.

But the value of gold is determined by its relationship to silver. The first Congress of the United States, led by James Madison – the Father of the Constitution – codified into federal statute the legal definition of the dollar: 371.25 grains of silver. That is one American dollar, not the one ounce Silver Eagle today which is 437.5 grains of silver. It is not Constitutional money.

It might seem like splitting hairs, but the definition of the dollar was set constitutionally by an Act of Congress in 1790, while the one ounce Silver Eagle exists by administrative decree of the U.S. Treasury Department. As part of the Silver Bullion Act, it was meant to be a collector’s coin, not a coin to circulate as legal tender.

There is also no American gold dollar and never has been. The smallest legal gold piece is the $20 coin or the equivalent value of 7,425 grains of silver, or 20 dollars weight of silver.

The rich have waged war against that valuation ever since and finally prevailed when FDR confiscated the gold of the American people in 1933. After confiscating the gold, he then revalued it to 35 silver dollars to 1 gold piece. He robbed the American people of almost half of their notional wealth. The American elite were tipped-off to the scheme and moved their gold off-shore. When before, it took 20 silver dollars to purchase an equivalent value of gold, it now took 35 silver dollars (or 12,993.75 grains). It remains perhaps the greatest transfer of wealth in American history.

The debt of the United States is denominated in dollars. It is now in the quadrillions. The elite want the Americans to return to the gold standard and for that debt to be denominated in gold dollars. They want their fiat dollars to be exchanged – one-for-one – by gold dollars. This is not an imaginary aspiration, as the latest machinations of the world criminal syndicate represented by Saudi princes, Iranian caliphates, Chinese tycoons, Russian mobster oligarchs, and WEF freaks all demand.

The 14th Amendment guarantees the debt of the United States. Should the gold standard be adopted without a repudiation of the debt denominated in fiat dollars – then the American people will become debt slaves for a thousand years.

William Jennings Bryan quoted above was defeated in the 1896 Presidential Elections by Republican, William McKinley. McKinley subsequently established the world’s first concentration camp in Wallace, Idaho, where he shut down its silver mines and imprisoned its workers.

For an Establishment’s account go to Wikipedia:

But read between the lines. The Pinkerton agitators infiltrated the union and promoted violence to discredit the workers.

The House of Rothchilds and the House of Rockefellers are in decline. They have drunk deeply of the wine of Mystery Babylon.

Now, for the rise of the House of Stivers,

James Wesley Stivers, 4/6/23

1 Comment


    I’m indebted to Charles Walters, the great American agrarian (Acres, USA; Raw Materials Economics, etc.) for the explanation on FDRs gold confiscation in relation to silver. I don’t think it can be found in his books. He told me this in a personal phone conversation I had with him in 2008.

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