Update, June, 2024: What is About to Happen?

This website is dedicated to a study of “God’s Great Eschaton” or the “Vogt solar nova reset” which is proposed to occur in 2046 at the peak of the next Gleissberg Cycle. Obviously, the science pertaining to such an event portends a turbulent process leading up to it: an epic disaster spiral in what would really become an epoch-long series of various-sized disasters lasting for centuries.

There is a spiritual component to all of this. In the Christian religion, there is a vague awareness of such calamities which are predicted for the end of the world, but not described scientifically.

In the prophetic models propounded by Evangelical Christianity, for example, an escapist ideology prevails. As a Zionist cult fixated on events in the Middle East as a prelude to a Rapture and Armageddon, it comforts its adherents with imaginary demonstrations of God’s total and arbitrary control over history, nature, and time. Effectively, Evangelicals have no prophetic model which can explain what is about to happen or what we should be doing about it.

The Great Eschaton is not the 2nd Coming of Christ and there will be no “2nd Coming” in the sense of what Christians expect. They will get it wrong just as the Jews did for Christ’s 1st Coming.

God has ordained the cycles of nature; they existed before the Fall of Adam and Eve. The laws of nature are manifestations of His Divine Being. They are not posited in an autonomy to act contrary to the ontology of that “being.”

The cycles of nature are cycles of destruction and rejuvenation. Sentient beings, such as man, are capable of surviving and transcending those cycles because they are made as eternal creatures. However, wisdom and virtue must be achieved first.

Currently, we are entering the peak of Solar Cycle #25. The Gleissberg Cycle peaks in Solar Cycle #27. We knew the process would be interesting and even scary. We have discussed the possibility of a “kill shot” – meaning a solar storm big enough to destroy our electronics and electrical grid beyond recovery. We also have just learned (thanks to Douglas Vogt) that the induction of electrical current (from the air or the ground) in such a storm – were it of a scale experienced in 1859 during what was called “the Carrington Event” – would cause a worldwide conflagration because our houses are built of combustibles filled with copper wiring.

It must be appreciated that electrical fires cannot be put out with water or other fire retardants. Like a welding stick on a welder, an electrical fire will burn without a source of fuel because the electrical current is the fuel. Metals such as aluminum and iron will burn, others will melt. The fire can only be put out if the source of electricity is shut off. But if the origin of the electrical induction is an atmospheric source from a sustained solar storm – which might last for hours if not days – these proposed electrical fires will rage until they consume everything.

The implications are frightening.

In recent weeks, we have experienced significant solar storms; more are on the way. Since Captain Williams warnings in 2015, it appears that at least the U.S. military has “hardened” its infrastructure. Things have held up pretty well this go around.

However, if these solar storms persist, even if they do not produce a destructive blow like the Carrington Event, they will degrade the infrastructure. Like metal fatigue, each storm will gradually wear-out the protection. Failures will occur: at first, sporadically, then frequently. Repairs will be made until the economic resources to make those repairs are used up. Then, failures will become permanent: at first, locally and regionally, then perhaps worldwide.

These effects will not at first be recognized. They will be ascribed to a vague threat called “global warming.” Others will be blamed on cyber-warfare or geoengineering and weather modification.
Regardless, you need to mobilize now for your own protection and well-being.

Publishing Schedule.

Mobilizing is what I am doing on a personal level. I have scaled-back my publishing schedule to this website to dedicate myself to preparations. New content will be sparse.

Another Pesher will be published later this month for the Day of St. Barnabas (June 11th) but released on the 15th. If you have been reading our Peshers, especially the last four: here, here, here, and here), you will appreciate that he was really the Guardian of the Jesus Movement, independently – even antecedently – of St. Paul, the Apostles and even James, the Brother of Jesus.

After that, I will continue with Updates and Alerts as they are needed.

JWS – June 2, 2024